hey! my name is jessie.

In 2017 at age 30 I lost a job I spent years “working my way up the ladder” to earn and became extremely depressed and disenchanted with the college and career choices I made.

Perhaps I was naive, but it was the first time I realized my employer (in Arizona) had the right to rip away my paycheck, health insurance and purpose without cause, legally. It was a very painful lesson, and needless to say it left me feeling numb with grief for weeks.

Thankfully, it was also the wake up call I needed to ensure I would never put myself in that situation again, and so I started my photo booth business MISGIF and so began my journey of self-employment.

It’s been an incredible ride, the last 6+ years, with a lot of ups and downs and lessons learned the hard way and the truth is…most of what I learned was through my own personal experiences — not from photo booth industry elites, workshops, classes or masterminds.

Now, that’s not to say good ones don’t exist, but the ones I did invest in over the years (including recently despite knowing better) left me feeling extremely disappointed and oftentimes scammed due to misleading marketing and surface level content. So much so that I now skip the classes at PBX when I go and even received a refund for one well-known one and one lesser known one (but that’s a story for another time.)

Over the years I’ve watched more and more photo booth “business courses” and “educational products” pop up and I can’t help but feel like what the photo booth industry is missing is honest, trustworthy, transparent educational content surrounding business strategy — the kind of things you can put to action and see results from whether that’s increasing revenue, decreasing stress or simply building a business that supports your family, future goals and dream life.

So that’s why I created misgiftastic. I want to equip you with valuable photo booth resources and share my expert knowledge/experience when it comes to what it takes to run a successful six-figure photo booth business that allows you to focus on tasks you enjoy, take care of your family, pay your team well, work with your dream clients, support community organizations you care about, pay your bills easily and save continuously for retirement, and build the life you’ve always dreamed of (mine includes working remote during summers while traveling the world with my husband) but more importantly financial freedom, a flexible work schedule and happiness. I’ve done it…am doing it. And I’m excited to show you how possible it is.

Ultimately, I want to help photo booth owners like you build the photo booth business of their dreams, just like I have with mine…because it’s 100% possible to earn good money and have a healthy work-life balance with the right tools and guidance. While it’s not easy and will require work on your part, it is obtainable and a lot of it starts with your mindset and strategy…

Are you ready to level up your photo booth business with me?

  • If there is one thing I’m an expert at, it’s building a successful six-figure photo booth business that serves primarily corporate clients using mainly iPad photo booths from scratch. I’ve been doing this full-time since 2017, built a profitable business with an excellent reputation locally and internationally and sustained supporting my family on it since my husband made the leap to work for me in 2021. If you dream of living the life I described above in the second to last paragraph, I am living it.

  • Yes! While I try to share as much free information as possible because I believe basic photo booth business education should be accessible to all, any speciality projects that focus on what I consider to be high-value information — aka things that took me years to learn or perfect and/or that I have invested a significant amount of my money, time and/or energy into include a price tag.

    All of my workshops and courses contain strategies and tools I use in my own business that I’ve see positive results from. Same goes for all of my templates and cheat sheets.

    I also have a members-only eblast I send out (sign up below) that contains important lessons I am learning, helpful tools or hacks, recommendations, etc.

  • Absolutely. I’ve paid for one-on-one consulting with my CPA and attorney in the past multiple times specifically because I believe this is the fastest way to learning expert advice so you can take actionable steps that produce desired results.

    One-on-one sessions with experts allow you to ask strategic questions and get trustworthy information. It definitely is a high ROI option compared to doing a Google search and sifting through a long list of articles, guessing and getting something wrong and in my personal experience investing in most large group workshops, courses, classes, etc. currently offered in our industry.

    My consulting sessions are customized to fit your unique needs, but the reason why they’re so valuable is you are able to get individualized attention, ask me anything and get an honest answer along with expert advice, or a referral to an expert if I am not one in the subject area.

