5 Things That Help Take My Photo Booth Business Morning Routine To The Next Level

For too many years I would wake up each morning feeling stressed and the first thing I would think about was my photo booth business. I’d make a cup of coffee, scroll social media and the news, check my work email and immediately get to work. Before noon I had filled my coffee cup 1-2 more times, yet somehow what I was doing just wasn’t filling my cup. I felt empty and exhausted, and honestly it made me question what I was doing with my life.

As a photo booth business owner this morning routine may sound familiar to you. The sense of dread upon awakening and being instantly overwhelmed with what feels like a never ending to-do list. Feeling like you’re always behind, there’s always more to do, you’re never getting enough done, etc. It leaves you in a bad headspace and for me it resulted in a lot of stress, anxiety and unhappiness.

The good news is, photo booth life doesn’t have to be that way! And one of the best ways to avoid the above scenario is by creating an intentional morning routine that allows you to set the right tone for the day, and fill your cup with the good stuff — not caffeine, stress, anxiety or negative thoughts.

Since practicing a healthier morning routine my photo booth business has flourished in ways I couldn’t imagine. Sh*t still gets done even if you don’t send that email right away or on the same day!

Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, when you focus on filling your cup up in the right ways first thing in the morning I’ve noticed it can have an incredibly positive effect on not only your business approach for the rest of the day, but you often feel lighter, more at peace, less stressed and less anxious.

Since creating and practicing a healthier morning routine I’ve integrated a lot of commonly talked about aspects such as getting outdoors (fresh air and sunlight), movement (walking, yoga, stretching), journaling (gratitude, manifesting), meditation/breathing exercises, etc. The answer is yes, I recommend adding all of these things into your morning routine.

But for me, the real change I noticed was when I started to pay attention to things that hurt rather than helped me and eliminated them from my mornings completely (social media, news, coffee.)

That being said, below are 5 products that I personally use in my current morning routine that I feel have immensely helped me take my mindset and photo booth business to the next level. Not everything is for everyone, but if you’re feeling stressed out or anxious, unfulfilled or unhappy, they might just be worth a try!

1. Pukka Lemon, Ginger & Manuka Honey, Organic Herbal Tea

Since switching from coffee to non-caffeinated tea the biggest shift I’ve noticed is my body physically feels better and my anxiety isn’t as easily triggered. Not surprisingly, this lines up with the science behind how caffeine interacts with your body and mind.

Because caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant it can cause increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure and increased levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These physiological responses can trigger or exacerbate feelings of anxiety and also cause muscle tension and pain.

Caffeine can also interfere with the body's ability to absorb and utilize certain minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which play important roles in muscle and nerve function. This can lead to muscle cramps and stiffness, especially if you consume large amounts of caffeine (like I did! three cups a day!) or are already deficient in these minerals.

Additionally, caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it can cause dehydration if not consumed in moderation. Dehydration can lead to headaches, muscle aches, and increased feelings of anxiety and stress.

Business Takeaway: Try eliminating caffeine from your diet and see if it makes you feel better! Non-caffeinated tea can be a great option for some and offers a variety of flavors.

Try out the tea I love drinking here

2. Stress Less Cards: 80 Tips and Affirmations to Help You Find Calm

Since starting to use this card deck it’s helped me focus on the positive when I start my day as well as provided me with one simple positive action to take.

I like to keep this card deck in my bathroom so when I brush my teeth in the morning I’m able to read and reflect on the daily card that includes one positive affirmation and one helpful tip. Not surprisingly, reminders like this can be extremely helpful when it comes to setting the tone for the workday.

That’s because positive affirmations can help to shift your mindset from negative self-talk to more positive and empowering thoughts. By repeating affirmations and focusing on positive messages, you can boost your self-esteem and confidence, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Additionally, tips for healthier living included on the cards can provide practical suggestions for improving your physical and mental health. These tips might include things like getting regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, practicing mindfulness, being kind to yourself and others, or getting enough sleep. All great reminders to receive.

Incorporating positive affirmations and healthy habits into your daily routine can help to establish a sense of structure and consistency. This can be especially helpful for people who struggle with motivation or who find it difficult to stick to healthy habits. The best part? These cards take out the legwork for you and provide you with simple solutions!

Business takeaway: Try using these cards and setting them in a place you’ll always see them each morning. This could be your nightstand, dresser, bathroom counter or in the kitchen.

Try out the cards I love using here

3. Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

Running a business can be stressful, which is why it's essential to take care of yourself. Reading is one way to do this that can be really effective, especially because it forces you to take some quiet time to relax while doing it.

Self-Compassion is a great book for anyone who struggles with self-criticism or burnout. Not only will it teach you how to be kinder to yourself, practice self-care, and become more resilient…it also has a ton of helpful techniques that you can use in real life for how to cope during tough times.

Personally, I like to read a few pages or a chapter from a book like this one each morning. This is helpful because it keeps the lessons top of mind which makes building healthy habits much easier.

Business Takeaway: Try reading this book if you struggle with self-criticism or perfectionism. You can also checkout these other great books I recommend from my 2023 Summer Reading List here.

Try out this book I love reading here

4. Tiny Buddha's Worry Journal: A Creative Way to Let Go of Anxiety and Find Peace by Lori Deschene

If you’re like me and running a photo booth business can tend to make your anxiety flare up, you’ll definitely want to build time into your morning routine to work on being in better control of your emotions.

While there’s nothing wrong with having anxiety, it can take a serious toll on your mental health and physical body, which is why it’s so important to understand it and manage it effectively. Not only can anxiety cause you to have difficulty concentrating, impair your decision making, cause physical ailments in your body, and enhance avoidance behaviors, it can also lead to more serious damage if not managed carefully.

The gist? Anxiety isn’t great for business or life. It makes everything immensely harder.

Business Takeaway: Try using this journal if you struggle with anxiety or feeling overwhelmed. I do a prompt each morning which helps remind me to let go of the things I can’t control and worry less about the little stuff. It’s helped immensely with centering my focus on learning long-term healthier coping skills for when I get anxious which keeps me more calm and collected when stressed.

Try out this journal I love using here

5. Strength Training Resistance Bands

If you sit at a computer doing primarily photo booth business admin most of your week and you don’t have time or money for the gym I really can’t recommend these resistance bands enough.

When you sit at a computer hours on end each week, every week…odds are you’re straining your back, shoulder and neck muscles. Your posture will not only change based on how you sit at your desk, but it can cause painful tension in your muscles making your body ache which in turn can lead to unnecessary stress.

The reason I personally love using resistance bands is because they’re cheap and easy, and most importantly they can help alleviate tension in the muscles you use while working making you feel less tight when done correctly.

Put simply, using resistance bands makes your workday a lot less stressful and painful. Bonus points for the fact they can be used for a great all around workout too!

Business Takeaway: Try using resistance bands for 15 minutes in the morning to loosen up your muscles. You can do this anywhere — indoors or outdoors — and a Google search for “shoulder/back workouts with resistance bands” will yield a lot of great, free options for workout videos.

Try out the resistance bands I love using here

Remember, morning routines are not one size fits all. It’s up to you to figure out what works best for you. But the first step to creating a healthier morning routine is exploring what it looks like to switch your current one up. And I promise, when you start to add healthier options and activities to your morning routine your photo booth business and you will 100% see positive results!


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