7 Non-Business Related Books Every Photo Booth Business Owner Should Read

As a photo booth owner you probably have a lot on your plate. From managing bookings to keeping up with the latest photo booth trends, it can be challenging to find time for yourself.

However, taking a break and indulging in some summer reading can be an excellent way to relax and recharge. Not to mention, reading books outside of the business genre can also be really beneficial for your photo booth business, believe it or not!

From expanding your outlook on how you approach business to focusing your attention on an area often missed in traditional business teachings to opening your eyes to new and exciting tools you can use to become a more well-rounded business owner…non-business books are one of my favorite ways to learn how to take my own photo booth business to the next level.

If you’re like me and you’re seeking more balance, peace, positivity and prosperity in your life, I highly recommend these 7 books:

1. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

A New Earth is a spiritual and philosophical book that can help you find meaning and purpose in your life. This book will challenge you to think deeply about your beliefs and values, and how they shape your actions. By doing so, you can become more mindful and intentional in your business and personal life.

Business Takeaway: This book changed my life. I really can’t recommend it enough. It allowed me to regain control of my thoughts and emotions (I struggle with a lot of anxiety) which in turn resulted in more peace than I could have ever hoped for in my business.

2. Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Essentialism is a powerful book about the art of doing less….imagine that! As a photo booth owner it can be tempting to take on too many projects at once, I know this all too well. However, this book will teach you how to focus on what matters most and eliminate the unnecessary so you can become more productive, efficient and clear-minded.

Business takeaway: This book helped me get my priorities straight when it comes to what I focus on in my business. I get the things that matter most done first and am able to easily say no to things that don’t align with my values.

3. Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

Running a business can be stressful, which is why it's essential to take care of yourself. Self-Compassion is a great book for anyone who struggles with self-criticism or burnout. Not only will it teach you how to be kinder to yourself, practice self-care, and become more resilient…it also has a ton of helpful techniques that you can use in real life for how to cope during tough times.

Business Takeaway: This book helped me get out of my head, learn to be less of a perfectionist and ultimately to worry way less…especially about the small business stuff. I now waste less time thinking and more time doing.

4. The Afrominimalist’s Guide To Living With Less by Christine Platt

The Afrominimalist’s Guide To Living With Less is a book that encourages readers to declutter their lives and focus on what really matters. It's perfect for photo booth owners who want to simplify their business and personal life, and create more space for creativity and growth.

Business Takeaway: This book aligns with my desire to run a more sustainable business. It gave me some great ideas for how to live with less comfortably, which in turn helped me cultivate a healthier money mindset when it comes to business.

5. First, We Make The Beast Beautiful: A New Story About Anxiety by Sarah Wilson

First, We Make The Beast Beautiful is by far one of the best books I’ve read that focuses on anxiety and how to live with it. This book will teach you how to manage stress, cultivate resilience, and find peace in the midst of chaos.

Business Takeaway: This book made me feel seen in so many ways and inspired me to feel less shame about my anxiety. It also helped me explore new ways of coping which has led to a pretty radical journey of self-discovery for me that allows me to show up in my business in a new and energized way.

6. Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way by Adam Buettner

Thrive is a fascinating book about the secrets to happiness from the world's happiest people. This book will teach you how to create a more fulfilling life by focusing on the things that truly matter. It's perfect for photo booth owners who want to live a more balanced and joyful life.

Business Takeaway: This book helped me take a step back from my business and assess how it impacted my life and wellbeing. It inspired me to be more intentional about the way I care for my mental and physical health which helped reshape my business routine and structure.

7. A Court Of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Thorns and Roses is a fantasy novel that transports readers to a world of faeries, magic and danger. It’s about a human girl who is taken captive by a powerful faerie lord and forced to live in his world. One of the most epic (and steamy lol) fantasy series I’ve read beyond the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Business Takeaway: This book reminded me that reading can be for fun, and fun is an absolute must in my business. Not everything we do has to have a purpose, sometimes the best course of action is to take a break and relax. By practicing this I have infinitely more energy for my business and show up better daily.

I hope you enjoyed this summer photo booth business — but non-business related — booklist! I encourage you to grab a book, any book, and get reading! Who knows what you’ll learn and what your unique business takeaways will be.

Stay tuned for MISGIFTASTIC non-business book club details coming soon!


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